Lina Majdalanie

Lina Majdalanie is a Lebanese actress, writer and director living in Berlin. She has written and directed several plays, including Biokhraphia (2002), Appendice (2007), Photo-Romance (2009), 33 rpm and a few seconds (2012), Borborygmus (2019), Sunny Sunday (2020) and Hartaqāt (2023) in collaboration with Rabih Mroué. She also made the video I had a dream, mom in 2006 and Lina Saneh Body-P-Arts Project, a website project (2007) transformed into an installation in 2009. Her work questions citizenship, the place of the human being in the public space and, more specifically, that of the body in the age of globalisation, the Internet, the virtual image and the surveillance society. Lina Majdalanie has also curated projects such as Motion-Less (Tanz-quartier, Vienna, 2009), Vues (Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, 2015), Beyond Beirut (Mousonturm, Frankfurt, 2016), Relatively universal (HAU, Berlin, 2017) and No One's Land (Claiming Common Spaces V, Mousonturm-Frankfurt, 2023). She has taught at various universities in Beirut and at the Haute Ecole d'Art et de Design in Geneva from 2008 to 2013, at DasArts in Amsterdam in 2012 and at Goethe University in Frankfurt in 2016 and 2021. 

Cet automne

Théâtre Silvia Monfort
octoberoct 16 - 18

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué, Mazen Kerbaj

Theatre Portrait

Set to a complex score of sound and light, a trio sets about uttering phrases of a visceral nature, creating an outlandish, chorus-like effect. Each sequence emerges, bouncing off an impromptu connection, thereby developing a new theme - ranging from distraught observations, memories, tributes, apocalyptic visions, and intimate observations, to unspeakable experiences.

Théâtre de la Cité internationale
octoberoct 22 - 25

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué

Theatre Portrait

How do we go about presenting the adaptation of a famous film to the Lebanese authorities in charge of censorship? We come to realize that it is about a film which recounts the improbable encounter between two very dissimilar individuals both of whom are experiencing social alienation in fascist Italy in 1938. The adaptation is set in Beirut in 2007, shortly after an Israeli attack on Lebanon.

La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
novembernov 13 - 16

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué

Theatre Portrait

These two one-person shows, Biokhraphia et Riding on a cloud, are an investigation into the self-portrait. In Riding on a Cloud, a man called Yasser speaks into a dictaphone, projects videos and broadcasts recordings, whilst expressing reservations about the extent to which these documents coincide with his true self. In Biokhraphia, it is Lina Majdalanie who becomes the subject of a very unusual interview.

Théâtre du Rond-Point
novembernov 22 - 24

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué
33 tours et quelques secondes

Theatre Portrait

Who is Diyaa Yamout, the Lebanese human rights activist, artist and blogger whose suicide shook the nation? We will never really know and this is not what matters. Indeed, what is far more fascinating here is the profusion of assorted reactions on Facebook, the television, and in the form of SMS and answering machine messages

Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain
novembernov 25

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué, Rima Khcheich
N'importe où

ConferencePerformance Portrait

The Lina Majdalanie and Rabih Mroué duo presents two “non-academic conferences” and a concert-performance in collaboration with Rima Khcheich. Rabih Mroué makes frequent use of the former concept in order to create presentations which adopt the various mechanisms of the conference format whilst opening them up to the various possibilities of performance. In doing so, the duo plays upon the ambiguity which is inherent in this form of subversion. Added to this, for the first time, is an artistic proposition featuring poems set to music.

Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain
decemberdec 2

Lina Majdalanie

ConferencePerformance Portrait

The Lina Majdalanie and Rabih Mroué duo presents two “non-academic conferences” and a concert-performance in collaboration with Rima Khcheich. Rabih Mroué makes frequent use of the former concept in order to create presentations which adopt the various mechanisms of the conference format whilst opening them up to the various possibilities of performance. In doing so, the duo plays upon the ambiguity which is inherent in this form of subversion. Added to this, for the first time, is an artistic proposition featuring poems set to music.

decemberdec 4 - 8

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué
Quatre murs et un toit

Theatre Portrait

In 1947, the trial of German playwright Bertolt Brecht took place in the United States in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), responsible for combating communist activism. It was here that Brecht wrote a declaration which he was forbidden to read out. The minutes of the trial, as well as this declaration, constitute one of the axes of this exuberant show.

Lina Majdalanie au Festival d'Automne