Ligia Lewis

In her work as a choreographer and dancer, Ligia Lewis explores the encounter between the body and sound and visual metaphors, materialising the enigmatic, the poetic and the dissonant. Her latest stage work is Still Not Still (2021), which follows a museum performance, deader than dead (2020), now presented as a film. As a dancer, she has collaborated with Ariel Efraim Ashbel, Mette Ingvartsen, Eszter Salamon and Les Ballets C de la B, among others. She has also worked with music artist Twin Shadow, visual artist Wu Tsang, and DJ collective NON Worldwide. Her work has been presented in numerous venues in Europe and the United States. She was accompanied and produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer Theater from 2017 to 2021 and was a tanzhaus nrw factory artist from 2017 to 2019. Ligia Lewis is the winner of the German Theater Award Der FAUST in the Performer*in Dance category (2023) for the production "A Plot / A Scandal". She has also received the Tabori Award in the Distinction category, a Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants Award and a Bessie Award for Outstanding Production.

Cet automne

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 23 - 26
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 12 - 13

Ligia Lewis
Still Not Still


In Still Not Still, choreographer Ligia Lewis pursues her exploration into the silences and shadows of history. In this piece, the performers play out a score over and over again, the burlesque dimension of which makes it all the more tragic.