Jeanne Balibar

After graduating from the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique, Jeanne Balibar joined the Comédie-Française. There, she played roles in Jean Genet's Les Bonnes, Corneille's Clitandre, Marguerite Duras's Le Square and Molière's Dom Juan. Since then, she has performed in productions by Julie Brochen, Joël Jouanneau, Alain Françon, Jean-François Peyret, Olivier Py, Stanislas Nordey... Since 2014, she has acted under the direction of Frank Castorf, notably Balzac's La Cousine Bette, Curzio Malapart's Kaputt, and Fedor Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. In the cinema, she has appeared in nearly forty films, directed by Mathieu Amalric, Olivier Assayas, Jean-Claude Biette, Arnaud Desplechin, Christophe Honoré, Benoît Jacquot, Diane Kurys, Maïwenn, Jacques Rivette... In 2018, she received the César for Best Actress for Mathieu Amalric's film Barbara. That same year, she starred in Paweł Pawlikowski's Cold War, and directed Merveilles à Montfermeil. She then appeared in Ladj Ly's Les Misérables, Xavier Giannoli's Illusions perdues and Apichatpong Weerasethakul's Memoria.

Cet automne

MC93 – Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis
octoberoct 13

Jeanne Balibar
Les Historiennes


Three women return from the past thanks to three female contemporary historians who bring them back to life via three separate accounts. Here, the actress Jeanne Balibar uses them as the basis for a staged reading. Four women from today’s world take a particularly eloquent and incisive look at three emblematic female destinies.

Jeanne Balibar au Festival d'Automne