Gurshad Shaheman

A graduate of the Ecole régionale d'acteurs de Cannes et Marseille (ERACM) and holder of a Master II in comparative literature on the translation of Persian poetry, Gurshad Shaheman is a versatile artist. Actor, assistant stage director and translator, he has collaborated with artists such as Thierry Bédard, Reza Baraheni, Thomas Gonzalez and Tatiana Julien. In 2015, he created his first play, Pourama Pourama, which is still on tour. In 2018, he presented Il pourra toujours dire que c'est pour l'amour du prophète at the Festival d'Avignon. His work was rewarded in 2022 with the Prix de la Librairie Théâtrale and the Prix Koltes from the TNS for Les Forteresses, a play he wrote and directed in 2021. In 2022, he created Pour que les vents se lèvent - Une Orestie. Winner of the Mondes Nouveaux competition in 2023, he created Jadis, lorsque mon cœur cassa, a sound installation at the Monastère Royal de Brou. He is currently associated with Manège Maubeuge, scène nationale, Théâtre de la Bastille, Théâtre de l'Union - Centre dramatique national and Quai CDN d'Angers Pays de la Loire.

Cet automne

Théâtre de la Bastille
septembersept 23 - october - oct 23

Gurshad Shaheman, Dany Boudreault
Sur tes traces


The piece takes us a road-trip in the form of a double portrait involving two destinies, namely those of Gurshad Shaheman born in Iran, and Dany Boudreault in Quebec. Authors, directors and performers, the two artists got to know each other in Europe. Here, each of them sets off in search of their respective pasts.