Dorothée Munyaneza

British citizen, Dorothée Munyaneza is originally from Rwanda. Singer, author and choreographer, she starts from reality to capture memory and bodies, individual and collective; to speak out and carry the voices of those who are silenced; to question the genocide of the Tutsis, violence against women, racial inequalities. To make the silences heard and the scars of history seen. She brings music into dialogue with other forms of artistic expression: with guitarist Seb Martel, she interweaves afro-folk, dance and texts by American activist singer Woody Guthrie, and blends dance, poetry and experimental music with musician Jean-François Pauvros, choreographer Ko Murobushi and composer Alain Mahé. In 2014, she signed her first creation, Samedi Détente, at the Théâtre de Nîmes. Unwanted premiered in 2017 at the Festival d'Avignon. Both pieces have enjoyed an international reputation, traveling around the world since 2014. Les éditions de l'Arche asked Dorothée Munyaneza to translate Kae Tampest's Hopelessly Devoted, which she then decided to stage at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord as part of the Festival d'Automne.

Cet automne

Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
novembernov 20 - december - dec 20

Dorothée Munyaneza, Kae Tempest


For this new performance, titled Inconditionnelles singer, author, and choreographer Dorothée Munyaneza stages her French translation of Kae Tempest’s fervent play, Hopelessly Devoted (2015). Inconditionnelles explores the interstices where love and connection abound. 

Dorothée Munyaneza au Festival d'Automne