Carolina Bianchi

Carolina Bianchi is a Brazilian playwright, author and performer based in Amsterdam. In her work, she mixes literary, visual and cinematographic references, filled with musical mashups to confront reality. Her research inhabits spaces between theater, performance and dance, addressing issues of gender in crisis, sexual violence and art history. She is director of the São Paulo-based collective Cara de Cavalo (The Face of the Horse), with whom she created the pieces in the trilogy Cadela Força (Strength Bitch - presented in its entirety at the Festival d'Automne); O Tremor Magnífico (The Magnificent Tremor) and Lobo (Wolf). In 2023, Bianchi premiered the first chapter of her trilogy with A Noiva e o Boa Noite Cinderela (The Bride and Goodnight Cinderella) at the Avignon Festival and performed at the Frankfurt Festival; GREC in Barcelona; Kampnagel Sommerfestival in Hamburg; La Bâtie Festival in Geneva; HAU in Berlin and the Glasgow Festival. In 2024, she presented We do not comfortably contemplate the sexuality of our mothers, a reading-performance at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels, based on the work of filmmaker and writer Chantal Akerman.

Cet automne

La Villette
novembernov 6 - 8

Trilogie Cadela Força I Chapitre I – A Noiva e o Boa Noite Cinderela


Like descending into the darkest depths of hell, Carolina Bianchi exposes the unspeakable horror of sexist violence, plunging us into a median space in which all memory becomes blurred. Following in the footsteps of the artist Pippa Bacca, she uses her own body for the purposes of the piece, thereby anchoring herself in the history of feminist performance, and casting a critical gaze upon it at the same time.