Animal Architecte

Camille Dagen and Emma Depoid founded the Animal Architecte structure as a duo in 2018. One is a director, author and actor (outside the structure), while the other is a set designer. Both met at the TNS school in Strasbourg. Theater and performance are the initial but not exclusive core of Animal Architecte. Their creations reflect a strong interest in material from non-theatrical fields: photography, architecture, dance, philosophy, history and music criticism. The way the shows are developed alternates between collective research with the whole team and development time in pairs. The result is a close dialogue between textual writing and scenographic creation, leading to lively, moving sets charged with thought and emotion.

Cet automne

Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe – Ateliers Berthier
novembernov 29 - december – dec 29

Animal Architecte
Les Forces vives


This show is about how a life can be invented, understood and told at the same time. And about how Simone de Beauvoir, born in 1908, was both author and chronicler of her existence. What kind of energy, what type of combativity does freedom imply? In Les Forces vives, Animal Architecte brings us a fascinating and astonishing fresco of the writer's journey.