Ali Cherri

Born in Beirut, Ali Cherri is a filmmaker and visual artist. He lives and works in Paris. In 2022, he received the Silver Lion for his participation in the Venice Biennale's International Art Exhibition, The Milk of Dreams. Solo exhibitions include Dreamless Night/Le Songe d'une nuit sans rêve, at Frac Bretagne in 2024 and at GAMeC, Bergamo in 2023; Humble and quiet and soothing as mud, at the Swiss Institute, New York (2023), Ceux qui nous regardent at CAC La Traverse (2023); If you prick us, do we not bleed? at the National Gallery, London (2022). His work has recently been exhibited at the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts in St. Louis, USA, the Institut Valencià of Modern Art in Spain, the Jameel Arts Center in Dubai, as well as in Hong Kong, Rome, Nîmes and Marseille, and at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. In 2024, he presents Envisagement at the Fondation Giacometti, Paris. Le Barrage, his first feature film, debuted at the Directors' Fortnight in Cannes in 2022, and was released in France in 2023.

Cet automne

Librarie 7L
octoberoct 19

Ali Cherri
The Book of Mud


For Ali Cherri, mud embodies a liminal territory in that it is neither entirely land nor water. It is a fertile place for the imagination, and defies the limits of our perception. Accompanied by English and Arabic-speaking writers, the multidisciplinary artist guides us through the meanders of a musical and poetic performance where mud is both material and memory.